Friday, January 11, 2019

Last Day as a 39 year old!

Last day as a 39 year old over here!
What’s the big deal with turning 40? 
If it’s anything like most of my 30’s, then bring it on!
This post really ties in with my one little word project for this year. ‘Reflection’
In my 30’s I continued this awesome journey with my very best friend by my side Jason Kerr as we settled more and more into our home in Stirling.
Never a time where he didn’t support me and any of my crazy ideas. 
Like that night I went to Home Depot for clear garbage bags and came home with the van weighing heavily on the suspension and the tail gate wide open because I had it packed to the brims with a new kitchen. Or the time he drove me to Watertown to buy Dunkin Donut k-cups because they were new and I HAD to have them that moment. 
When my mental health wasn’t so great he stepped in and carried the weight of my world until I came back to the surface.
For all the Disney trips we went on, he just worked a little harder because he knew it made me happy.
My 30’s brought me three of the best gifts who today are 9,7, and 5 years old. 
My 30’s brought me a million new friendships and a shift in careers. 
In my 30’s my Grandpa reminded me of these words that I carry with me everyday "You’re a mom first"
In my 30’s I became more creative finding my love for sewing.
In my 30’s I discovered my love for living the best life.
And finally, in my 30’s I found my love for the mouse. 🙂
Welcome 40. Our next adventure.

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