What a summer we have been having. Last Wednesday we broke some wicked records for heat. At one point during the day ot was over 40 degree. BLEH!!!!!!! Me and the kiddos stayed inside. Even the dogs wouldn't move to far from the a/c. JAson spent most of the morning and afternoon at the Library in Trenton so we just hung out playing with puzzles and reading. This years Waterfront festival I entered Parker into the 1000 islands Dock Dock diving contest! It was so much fun and he loved it. So proud of my boy.
These past few weeks have been a lot of fun with Christopher, or as Sophia will call him "Kwiss" so adorable. He is trying to sit up and loves to reach for his brightly coloured toys. He is weighing in around 16.5 lbs (according to the Wii)
Sophia vocobulary simply amazes me. She know exactly what she wants. For instance she loves to read and will tell you what books she wants. He fav right now "Mama where are you" and in her words. " Mama wa ah chew" I ask her what she wants for breakfast and she says "eggos" ALso brushing her teeth with her toddler toothpaste is a hit! "bushe teesth" LOL.
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