Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BFing and such!

I still can't believe that we have another baby! What a whirlwind the past few weeks (7 weeks 3 days to be precise) have been.
I must sound like a broken record but I am SO happy that my husband is home. I really wanted to be as committed to breastfeeding this little one as much as I was with Sophia. I really struggled with Sophia in the early weeks but committed to EBF until she was 6 months. I am happy to say we continued this relationship till she was about 19 months old. I have a healthy little girl because of this.
I am hoping to do the same with Christopher and so far we don't have any challenges.

1 comment:

AshleyHami said...

Good for you Mama!

How did Sophia eventually wean? While I'm in no rush to wean Clara, I often wonder if one day she'll just stop on her own? She's down to about 2-3 sessions a day (although depending on teething an illness, she'll want more).