In September Sophia and I started going to Mom and Baby Yoga. My friend Linds had been going and it sounded like a lot of fun. I was looking for ways to get out of the house so I gave it a whirl. I instantly became hooked.
The photo was taken in October. One can only put her toes to her nose and clapping of the hands and feet some many times before zonking out! I have to say it has been a wonderful thing and a super way to bond with my baby. Sophia learned how to roll very early on and owe the pleasure to these Yoga classes. Before Sophia could crawl (oh and YELL) it was a calm and soothing enviroment. Don't get me wrong we still have our moments of Zen but they are becoming few and far between with this whole crawling around bit.. I think we will do one more session of Mom and Baby Yoga and then graduate on to Mom and Tot!
I should also mention I have met and became close friends with others in the class including our awesome teacher. Hey, anytime I can have adult interaction is a good thing for this Momma.
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