Happy 8 months to my sweet little girl today!
Its been a busy couple weeks! Sophia had a flu like bug. SCARY! throwing up everything left Jason and I nervous you would get dehydrated. With the comfort of Teleheath and my June Momma crew I made it through knowing that we were not alone and this awful bug was going around.
All better now and more focused on crawling and grabbing and pulling herself up on the furniture. I think we will have a walker before we know it.
This weekend Grandma and Grandpa Kerr came down for a visit and as always had gifts for everyone. We spent most of he evening eating butter tarts, yummy dips and chatting. We managed to get Grandma on the Wii to try a little hula. HILARIOUS!
This week coming up we start a new session if swimming lessons YAY! Also on Wednesday we are trying out the local Kindermusik program. The program is an introduction to infants and music and I have only heard amazing things about it! I will blog all about it later in the week.
I uploaded a couple photos I took today.