Copied Birth Story.
Thursday June 25th I was just over 39 weeks along, I went to bed feeling "off" I had mega cramps and a little bleeding (mucus plug). Early Friday morning woke up and told DH I needed to go to the Hospital. We arrived around 7:30 after being assessed it was determined I was 2 cm. My OB was on duty that day (yippee) He said I could go home but I knew I was DONE with the whole 9 months of being pregnant deal. We decided I would be induced... Even though I heard/read that it wasn't the most pleasant process. So away we started with the pitocin drip. I was also put on antibiotics as I was Strep B positive. DH and I walked the hospital floor...and walked and walked nothing happened. I was expecting these huge overwhelming contractions but there was NUTTIN. Around 5 pm my OB came to check on me and I was a whopping 3cm - whoooopity friggin do. - He upped the Pitocin to the max and broke my water (not the most pleasant thing) almost immediately I became nauseous and felt some tightening in my stomach. Since I have the best OB on the planet he left strict instructions with the nurses to order any pain meds I wanted. So they went over the list from Demerol to the Epi. I already knew I would opt for the epi. Within 5 minutes I was whisked away to a labour and delivery suite... I will add every nurse I was in contact with were wonderful. They asked my husband to leave the room and the
Doctor on call began prepping me for the epi. OUCH and stung! It was so painful but once it was over with I felt wonderful
(During my last month I had a super sore back and was not sleeping well) The epi took all the pressure off my back and I drifted in and out of sleep. I felt like I was laying on a cloud. DH was so wonderful. He didn't leave my side until my nurse (Becky) told him to go and get some food as we were in for a long night. The birthing suites at my hospital are pretty nice. We had a beautiful view of the Bay of Quinte. DH and I had a lot in common with Nurse Becky. It helped pass the time talking about our gardens/dogs/the small town we all live in. Around 9:30 pm Friday afternoon 13 hours into the induction I was checked again. Still 3 cm and maxed out on pitocin... It looked like I was going to be booked for a "C" section. I was ok with this as I completely trust my OB and new he would make sure baby and me would be ok. He was called but apparently there was an emergency so we waited. Around 11:30 I began to feel pressure in my bum. I actually thought it was the epi wearing off. Becky checked me and I was 4 cm now... whohooo I could really feel the tightening of my belly (but no pain) between 11:30-11:45 I went from 4 to 10cm. I was ready to meet my LO. My OB had just finished up with another patient and whammo I was ready to push. I pushed for about and hour and first thing Saturday morning June 27th at 1:01 AM Sophia Madison made her way into this world. DH and I were overwhelmed with excitement. He assisted in cutting her cord and instantly we were a family of three. I was cleaned up and began to nurse her right away. She latched on like a champ. We were taken to our room and both DH and I just could not stop smiling. It is an amazing feeling that to this day I still have. DH and I have bonded at a different level. We love our little girl so much. She is 6 weeks now and I enjoy every second with her. I could just stare for hours and hours. Can't wait to start planning for # 2.
I still can’t believe I am a Mommy.
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