My nickname for Christopher has been Mr. Mooners! Not sure exactly where this came from but it stuck! Jason still to this day refers to Sophia as "poop" Isn't that sweet. :) :) :) So like I said last year around this time that October is my absolute favourite month!! I love the leaves, baking, cooler weather, family dinners, and long drives. Last Friday The Kerr crew went to Grandpa Bradford for a 4 wheeler ride through the fields and captured a few shots. I am still playing with my camera and have a lot to learn about lighting etc. Practice practice practice.
I have been reading a lot of updates lately from my fellow March 2011 Mommies and noticing many are starting to scootch and crawl! Not my little ham. He has no desire to move. Just sits there like a bump on a log. ooohh I just luv my Mr Mooners. :)
Thursdays are becoming a lot of fun! i have met so many new Moms at the Belleville Early Years! Most of our babies are around the same age so its been fun. We are going to start meeting at STarbucks over the winter for late night latte's Can't wait!