Its the most wonderful time of the year in my eye's. I love walking through the many local greenhouses and garden centres to see and plan this years garden. The cherry on top this year is I get to bring along my beautiful little girl and try to explain to her everything I know about the subject. I can only hope one day she enjoys it as much as I do. Since buying our home in October 2006 I have been trying different things each year. The summer of 2008 Jason built me a large bed wrapping around the front and West side of our old home. Since then I have been experimenting with different perennials and and annuals. Last year the garden was taken over by beautiful morning glories and allsym and this year I am hoping to experiment with white pholox and sweet William.
Here are couple pics from last year.
Also this year and I am using black mulch. Very dramatic against the red brick house.